Text Neck, Pain & Tension? Do This!

Lady experiencing neck pain
If you live a modern lifestyle, you probably spend a lot of time hunched over electronic devices, sitting, and doing daily activities that place you in a slouched or forward posture. Chances are, you also deal with chronic neck tension and pain. There’s even a modern term we call “text neck” or “tech neck” – a byproduct of those of us who spend a great deal of time hunched forward. 

Here’s the thing: not only does your slouched posture make you look less confident and attractive; there are more severe long-term consequences!

Don’t worry, we’re here to help you stop doing the things that are causing your neck pain and get your posture back to the stable, strong position you’re meant for. Bonus points of fixing your text neck include, but are not limited to: less tension, pain, and headaches, as well as better cognitive function and overall health and energy. 

 Warning: Fascia manipulation, including techniques such as fascia blasting, involves working with the connective tissues in your body. While many people find these practices beneficial, it's important to approach them with caution. We advise you to consult with a medical professional before starting any new fascia treatment, especially if you have underlying health conditions, are pregnant, or are new to these techniques. Improper use can lead to discomfort or injury. Always listen to your body, and discontinue use if you experience pain or adverse reactions.

What is Text Next or Tech Neck?

The technical term is “forward head posture” – which may seem self explanatory. However, there are a lot of muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves, and tissues that support your head and neck and can be compressed and “pulled down” when we’re out of alignment. It’s important to address the root cause of text neck and neck pain and take a holistic approach to correcting postural imbalances.

text neck


What Causes Text Neck or Forward Head Posture? 

Of course, there can be a variety of reasons someone could have neck pain or tension. If you have a preexisting health condition or injury, ask your healthcare provider for the best corrective therapy for your situation.  

In this article, we’ll discuss the most common causes of neck pain and tension: 

  1. Poor posture
  2. Lifestyle habits
  3. Tense myofascial tissue

A comparison of good and bad standing posture

A comparison of correct vs incorrect sitting posture


Did you know: 

You put about 10 additional pounds of pressure on your cervical spine for every inch that your head and neck position are leaning forward.

This can cause chronic tension, pain, restriction, dysfunction, and deterioration.


How Do You Fix “Text Neck” Or Forward Head Posture? 

Assuming your neck pain and tension aren’t the result of a pre-existing health issue or injury, here are the 4 areas to focus on if you want to improve your forward head and neck position and reduce pain and tension:

  1.     Posture 
  2.     Lifestyle 
  3.     Strength & Conditioning
  4.     Myofascial Release Therapy


1. Posture

  • Develop the habit of self-awareness
  • Take note of your posture right now. Are your shoulders tense and rounded forward, pulling your neck and head forward and down with them? Is your back hunched? Take a moment to realign.

    A woman sitting hunched over on her phone, and then sitting up straight with good posture

    Here’s a pro tip to help you form healthy posture habits: set an hourly “posture check” reminder or alarm.

  • Make your daily activities more ergonomic 
  • When you do daily activities like brushing your teeth, showering, grooming, driving, or washing dishes, be mindful of your posture and correct it when needed.

    If you work at a desk, make sure your desk and chair allow you to sit upright in a comfortable position so you’re not slouched over. See if you can raise your computer screen so you have to look slightly “up” at it instead of down. Make sure you’re not twisting or craning your neck in order to look at your desk or screen. 

    A graphic of a skeletal structure sitting correctly at a desk

    During exercise, make sure you start with and maintain good posture. If you’re running, walking, or lifting weights with poor posture, you won’t get nearly as many benefits from the exercise, and it may even cause further pain and tension.

    Sleeping is something most of us do for several hours a day, but not many people think about improving their sleeping posture. If you spend several hours crunched in a cozy ball, you’ll likely wake up with tense, angry neck and shoulders. Accommodate your bedding to allow you to sleep flat on your back, or comfortably on your side without compressing or restricting your limbs.

    poor sleeping posture vs good sleeping posture

    2. Lifestyle 

    • Manage your screen time 

      Although screen time is inevitable for most of us, a lot of us have developed the habit of compulsively scrolling and checking for notifications. Limiting your screen time not only helps minimize the strain it puts on your mental and physical health, but it also gives you the opportunity to be less sedentary and avoid getting “stuck” in a forward-leaning position.


      • Move often

      During work hours – especially if your job is sedentary – take frequent breaks to get up, move around, and stretch. This helps increase blood flow and total body circulation, which improves your cellular health, brings nutrients to your cells and myofascial tissues, and gives your body a chance to reset.

      A woman stretching at her desk

      * Bonus points if you can breath and absorb natural sunlight and fresh air. 


      • Quality nutrition & hydration

      Yes, what you eat and drink plays a big role in your overall wellness, pain management, and tissue health. Consume nutrient rich, unprocessed foods and liquids that hydrate your cells and give your body the nutrients it needs to regenerate and thrive.


      3. Strength & Conditioning 

      Strengthening all the little muscles and tissues in your neck and upper body will help lift, stabilize, and correct your posture. This also helps reduce neck tension, stiffness, pain and injuries, as well as improve your flexibility, biomechanics, oxygen, and nutrient delivery throughout your entire body.

      Try these at-home exercises to strengthen and stabilize your neck.

      Practice these stretches daily to loosen, lengthen, and mobilize your myofascial tissues and joints:

      4. Myofascial Release Therapy 

      What is Myofascial Tissue?

      The Myofascial System is composed of muscle tissue and collagenous connective tissue - which includes the fascia, ligaments, and tendons. The Myofascial System interacts with every other system and function of your body, especially your organs, bones, blood vessels, nerves, brain, nervous system, lymphatic system, and immune system.

      Myofascial tissues: muscles and connective tissue

      When myofascial tissues are tense and “angry” it causes pain and dysfunction. It can even interfere with your sleep patterns, hormones, range of motion, muscle performance and recovery, nervous system, circulatory system, and immune health. 

      What is Myofascial Release Therapy?

      Myofascial Release involves techniques that relax, loosen, and restore the tissue by applying sustained pressure to decompress and create space in the tissues. 

      myofascial release therapy: a deep tissue massage


      What is the Best Myofascial Release Therapy?

      The KOAPRO Fascia Massage tools decompress and relax tension by targeting the body’s myofascial tissues in a uniquely gentle and effective way. Unlike other massage and Gua Sha tools, our patent-pending HUMANTouch™ technology allows the KOAPRO’s fingers to comb through and release adhesions that cause tension, pain, and dysfunction.

      How to combat neck pain and tension with the KOAPRO Fascia Massage tools:

      * Start with bare skin with oil, or use over tight-fitting, smooth clothing.

      1. Start with light, brisk strokes.
      2. Ease into deeper pressure. Work around tense areas until they relax and allow decompression.
      3. Use the smooth side to gently scrape the skin (Gua Sha technique)
      4. Use the rounded and pointed ends to release trigger points.



      ✓   Release tension, pain, & trigger points

      ✓   Relax & decompress

      ✓   Stimulate anti-aging building blocks

      ✓   Boost collagen & elastin

      ✓   Improve total circulation

      ✓   Detoxifying lymphatic drainage

      ✓   Optimize muscle performance

      ✓   Accelerate recovery

      ✓   Increase flexibility

      ✓   Smooth tight, dimpled skin

      ✓   Cellular rejuvenation

      ✓   Spa yourself

      Check out our shop to learn more about the best fascia massage tools for pain management, muscle performance and recovery, flexibility, and holistic health. 

      Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have more questions about myofascial therapy and our KOAPRO Fascia Massage Tools. 

      Disclaimer: KOAPRO offers a unique range of patented muscle recovery tools and wellness methodologies independently developed from decades of bioengineering, bioscience, and traditional East Asian practices. The content and products provided by KOAPRO are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Ashley Diana Black International Holdings, LLC, nor related to any FasciaBlaster® products or methods. Trademarks, if mentioned, are the property of their respective owners. This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.